Monday, 7 January 2008

Khoj quizzing for January 2008


  1. Which is the deepest freshwater lake in the world, where is it situated and how deep is it?
  2. Mt. Everest is named after whom? What do local Nepalese call it and why?
  3. Which is the tallest & oldest tree in the world, where is it located & how broad (girth) is it?
  4. Which is the lowest water surface in the world? How low is it beneath sea level?
  5. Despite high intensity of sunlight why do Indians suffer from a high incidence of osteoporosis in old age?
  6. The Indian army has launched a massive programme to green the country. What is it called?
  7. What is the full form of ITER, an ambitious international programme on Fusion Energy? Where is this research going on?
  8. What is a form of online identity theft that steals customers’ personal identity data & financial account credentials?
  9. What is the name of India’s fully functional, indigenously built, permanent station at Antarctica?
  10. After Hindi, which is the most widely spoken language in India?
  11. What unique measure did the Sind, Punjab and Delhi Railway adopt in 1883 to dissuade natives from receiving or sending off friends and relatives?
  12. What is micro-credit? What is Muhammad Yunus’s contribution to micro-credit?
  13. Which viral infection is also known as hydrophobia?
  14. In geometry, what term is given to a line joining any two points on a curve?
  15. What medical term is given to the decomposition of the part of the body tissue due to obstructed circulation?


THe HeX@g0n said...

I am Divanshu
I have also created my blog.
So kindly type hexag0n in your search box of your blog.
Ans 1)Lake Baiksl
Ans 2)George Everest
Ans 3)Sequoia(Coast Redwood)
Ans 6)Green Delhi

Go in search of your people, love them, learn from them, plan with them, serve them, begin with what they know, build on what they have - Anonymous said...

Good work, Devanshu!! Try all the questions .......

THe HeX@g0n said...

Hi Sir,
Ans4)Dead Sea
Ans7)International Tokamak Engineering Research
Ans9)Dakshin Gangotri
Ans11)Platform ticket
Ans12)Microcredit is the extension of very small loans to be unemployed.