Friday 12 September, 2008

This too shall pass...!!

This phrase is displayed in a drawing room cabinet of one of my neighbours here in Delhi. On reading it I felt a sense of calm. But this happened only after I had dwelt over it for sometime. 

Each moment of our life is filled with some action, some thought, some desire, some anger....and the list goes on. Very often we tend to cling on to one or the other emotion or thought that crosses our mind. But time moves on...never repeating the same moment again.

Could it not be a great way to always be at peace with oneself  if we are able to live each moment of our lives to the full...with a feeling that this moment shall never return. Weather this moment is one of victory or defeat, joy or sorrow, calm or anger... we can still 'live it.'

'This too shall pass' reminds us not to make too much out of any given situation. Over-excitement in victory and extreme dejection in defeat are common reactions we witness in our country. 

Perhaps, we need to train our kids to 'live the moment' even while they are in school. And this can happen only when we begin to give less credence to marks...and later to money and salary in jobs.

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