Wednesday 12 March, 2008

Indian Hockey....the decline. A surprise or an inevitable event??

We all heard the sad news yesterday morning......India could not qualify for the Beijing Olympics 2008 Hockey event. They lost to Britain 0-2 at Chile. Perhaps, we all need to spare a thought for the beleaguered team members.

As a nation we adore our heroes.....well, only when they win!! Somehow, we are unable to accept it cricket, hockey, soccer or any other game. Does this not reflect at a deeper level on our obsession with 'success.' Also, should we not ask ourselves the question - how passionate are we about Indian Sport??....and by passion I what way are we prepared to 'pitch in.'

I love sports and so spend a reasonable time in my daily schedule in playing and watching games as well as in developing kids in the neighbourhood in some sport or the other. My passion though lies in developing Squash!!

Its time we begin to 'play' ball rather than just talk and argue.

Perhaps, herein lies the answer to the dilemma of Indian Sport...


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